So now what?
Where to begin?
As events unfold (as you'll hear about below), even I am beginning to believe that my life is not only fiction, it's bad fiction written by a teenager. Worse, my life is becoming fiction written by Naomi Ragen. And we might be headed into Edgar Allan Poe territory. (An aside: somebody was impressed that a yeshivish simpleton could paraphrase Mark Twain; I suppose that same person is now falling off his chair at the reference to Poe, whose stories I loved as a kid. This astonishment is interesting: some people set the bar really low for yeshivaleit, eh?)
Anyway, my apologies for not providing DBH with the pathos and bathos (more big words, wow!) he seems to crave. I'm telling those parts of my story that there is a point in telling. The rest is none of your business.
So here's what happened. After shabbos last week, my wife called me. She explained that even though she was very angry -- or to be exact, very confused and upset -- she did want to talk. It's just that she had made the mistake of telling her father what the big blowup was about and he was the one preventing me from speaking to her. (He made sure to answer the phone every time it rang.) You have to understand that her father is in tight with the American Litvish Rosh Yeshiva gang and toes the Lakewood line. By the time my wife had decided she wanted to try to figure out together with me what we should be doing, the shver had already sent an SOS out to the whole mafia to try to screw me over good. My whole family was essentially held hostage for a week. (We were at least able to talk once my wife managed to borrow a cellphone.)
Interestingly, the common enemy (her father) forcing us to conspire just to talk sort of created some new kind of bond between us. By this shabbos she was home, over her father's strenuous (to say the least) objections. We are coming to a practical agreement about what I will do and won't do. (Note the emphasis on "do". I get full free speech -- except in front of any of our kids who are old enough to understand, which at the moment is maybe the oldest.)
This is all very much in flux but as you might be able to tell from my slightly chipper tone, it's good for me. I've mostly gotten over the idea that now that I woke up to the fact that yiddishkeit is a crock and rabbonim are mostly clueless frauds (with apologies to those innocents who are offended by that) that I've got to be eating treif. I've come to the not-so-earth-shattering realization that in whatever not frum religion I'll now be practicing, there is probably no mitzvah to do aveiros. (As I read my second post, written at the peak of my anger and which basically says just the opposite, I frighten myself.)
On the other hand, there's no aveirah in doing aveiros either. I'll just do whatever is convenient, which might happen to often coincide with frumkeit, at least in public. The problem is that now that the shver is working with the goon squad to save his family from "the shaigetz", as he now refers to me (until a few weeks ago I was "tzaddikel"; what a difference a few weeks make), I don't exactly know what's going to be with me.
One last comment for whoever it was that said that I must be an idiot for giving up frumkeit because of what a few rabbonim said. (Not that I owe you an explanation.) That was just a trigger that made me suddenly realize what I had been seeing but not seeing my whole life. I know a head counselor of a certain camp who was a child molestor (he didn't dare get near me but I saw it with my own eyes) and half the world knew about it. Nobody said a word because he was a big kannoi and part of the yeshivisher gang. I know roshei yeshiva who are embezzlers and don't even have a vague notion of the difference between right and wrong. I know mashgichim who tell you over "daas toirah" on topics about which they haven't a vague clue. And mainly I know thousands of people (in other words, pretty much everyone I know) whose entire yiddishkeit is based on pure nonsense.
By some self-serving miracle, I managed to go through almost three decades seeing all this and at the same time believing that yidden owned the only key to wisdom and honesty and I never noticed any contradiction. It's amazing what a person can blind himself to if he puts his mind to it.
RAF's article somehow brought this whole building crashing down. Maybe I was mamish at the brink and that article just happened to come along and if it wasn't that it would have been something else. Or maybe it was that the article was so obviously insincere and so -- I can't resist shouting here -- so painfully STUPID that it was like getting hit over the head. Or maybe it's that I used to have so much respect for RAF and especially for RMS, on whose behalf RAF wrote that idiotic letter, that my last defenses were just swept away. I don't know myself. But I do know that nothing will ever be the same for me.
But everything will always be the same for RAF and his whole gang. Because they will convince themselves of any stupidity, even that the world is flat, just to keep coasting along in the only world in which anybody thinks they're hot stuff. What happens to me and hundreds or thousands like me doesn't move them a bit as long as they can look in the mirror and say "yadeinu lo shafchu es hadam hazeh". They are wrong about that too.
On what basis do you say that RAF wrote the letter on behalf of Rav Solomon or is it Rav Sternbuch?
Why are you basing your view of Judaism based on what most Chareidi Rabbonim say (publicly) rather than what you think it says? Do you think the redactors of the Talmud had the view that their scientific or historical statements or even every statement in Hashkafa matters were infallible? I don't. Rambam & others didn't either. So what if some great Rabbis most of whom don't have a secular education mistakenly think that way?
I sympathize with you, though I would have kept up a front, just to save the family confict.
But now that you've already 'come out' to your family, I think you should stick to your guns, and at the same time strive as much as possible for Shalom Bayis.
I've gone through a crisis very siimlar to yours, and I found that the more I kept things to myself, the better. I now have an 'arrangement' with my wife and things are working out fine, as long as I keep my mouth shut. I feel very comfortable with my private outlook, and I don't mind being unable to express it at home, or in some other places. If I do 'aveiros', I don't do them publicly. In spite of the fact that my wife is very frum and is diametrically opposed to my opinions, she's still my best friend!
Just remember, not every feeling or opinion you have, has to be expressed.
I hope things turn out as well for you as they did for me. Keep us posted, and best of luck.
To everyone else -
I would like to remind those who ridicule EZR as a fiction of the following: You do not know for sure that he is not real. Your arguments (people do not act this way or that Eliyahu Zecharia does not display the expected emotional pain) are not compelling. After hours of mulling it over, intelligent people will still consider his authenticity a question.
Therefore, on the tzad he is real, your comments would be nothing less than onaas devarim, an issur lav. Accordinng to some Rishonim, you may also be transgressing, "kol almanah v'yasom lo sianun," if that posuk applies to any me-ukei nefesh, not just an almanah and a yasom.
You may say, "That's par for the course in the blogosphere." To which I say, "Even if you are surrounded by avodah zarah, giluy arayos and shefichus damim, you will still be held accountable for far lighter sins than onaas devarim."
[I think that the traces of this hurt are in evidence in this last post.]
To Eliyahu Zecharia -
I am thrilled - for you, for her, and mostly for the kids - that you and your wife are back together. I realize that there is still a Level 5 hurricane going on in your life. You are really "living out" the full meaning of the Three Weeks [I hope all your tzaros end and it only gets better from now on.]
The point that bothers me is, "Hatzri ein b'Gilad?"
Lechorah, medicine is available. R' Micha Berger reached out to you; Rav Moshe Eisemannn reached out to you. There are other good people who would be more than willing to help you seek a rapprochement with Torah Judaism. Why not give it a whirl? What do you have to lose?
You write, "I know a head counselor of a certain camp who was a child molestor . . . and half the world knew about it. Nobody said a word . . ." But certainly you know that there has been significant improvement on this front. Surely you know that Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb has cleaned house at a major frum organization; that Rav Dovid Cohen fights tirelessly against this sort of silent complicity, that Rav Pam, ztz"l, ignored all critics and headlined a gathering of survivors of molestation and their friends to help them heal and to discuss ways to prevent further anguish.
You write, "I know roshei yeshiva who are embezzlers and don't even have a vague notion of the difference between right and wrong." But surely you know Roshei Yeshiva who are not embezzlers! Surely, you know Roshei Yeshiva who have highly developed characters! If you don't, perhaps then I see where you are coming from, but then you need to meet a whole new breed of people.
And if you can't meet them in person, meet them in their sefarim. I imagine you will find a kindred spirit in the Rambam. Go through his Igros [preferably, the Sheilat two volume edition]. Or skip forward a few centuries and peruse Rav Hutner's ksavim, or Alei Shur, or any one of many, many outstanding works of outstanding menschen. Look for the good; don't get hung up on the petty detail.
And please, please, do so soon. In the short time you have been posting there has been a rapid deterioration in your discourse, specifically in the way you speak of talmidei chachamim with whom you disagree. You are picking up turns of phrase from the shabbiest sections of the J-blogs. Let us not go there.
I prefer to think that all that is your emotion speaking, not you.
Best wishes. Kiss your children. Mah atah, af Hu....
You're not the first to notice anomalies and problems. See the intro to Toldos Yaakov Yoseph, the first Chassidic Sefer, that excuriated the rabbonim of his time; read about Rav Salanter's disgust with Poskim who weren't mentshin; discover Rav Yehudah Ashlag's dissapointment with the m'kubalim he first encountered in Eretz Yisroel (at the beginning of the 20th cent.); etc.
My point is that there's a Koach Hatikkun in every generation, and that Toras Hashem (hu, hu) temima. Don't disavail yourself of the truth because the yetzer harah can be found in the beis medrash too (after all, what's the chiddush as far as that's concerned?).
RMS is presumably neither R. Solomon nor R. Sternbuch but rather Rav Moshe Shapiro.
Yeah, of course RMShapiro, - at least that's what I assumed as well. Shternbuch? That fellow riled me up the first time I heard him speak. I went to hear him, believe it or not, as a talmid of sorts. But as he continued to speak in the most disgusting manner, outright saying before all of these psychophantic bachurim (yeah I don't spellcheck) - as he went on and on about how the people in Tel Aviv are getting blown up because they eat in treife restaraunts, I started feeling physicaly ill. Finally I announced that I had had enough of listening to this sick individual, spat on the floor and walked out. And yes, I lost a few friends that day. (Of course my mirer friend who put together a comedy cd mocking the death of MMSchneerson complete with barking dogs and satanic laughs lost no friends at the mir, save my (non-lubavitch) self.
BUT! All in all, you do have to admit that few societies (at least of the few that I've seen) have the rewards that frum society has. The sicknesses are many, but no more - and likely less - than those of secular Americans. Of course, if for you like me, freedom of thought and speech is paramount, you as well may have to tearfully wave those rewards goodbye.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you do, but you should realize that it appears you obviously didn't believed in "Judaism", but you believed in certain people, and hence when that belief was shattered, the whole tower of cards fell down. Thinking about it, it sounds like a form of Avodah Zara.
The question you have to answer for yourself, did you ever believe in "Judaism" itself, or just in individuals who are very human and therefore very flawed? If you did, then you have to think about reconstructing your life around that belief, as your life obviously needs to be reconstructed around something.
Well, well, well, the cat is out of the cradle.
He had a compelling story line, but in the end, he's just another bitter jewish blogger.
If any doubt the authorship of this blog, look at and do a find for EZR. For any unfamiliar, he is a talented spoofer.
On the other hand, I do not foresee the harm that you see in this blog.
Obviously, I did not mean that someone who does not recognize pop literature allusions is "stupid". I would expect that such external reading would be verboten in a true Charedi atmosphere. As you indicate that you read Poe in your youth, my eyebrows go even higher.
The last line of a post, sometimes the very last line, tells the entire story.
DarkBlueHat said... "and even more compelling ones that haven't been posted here yet."
I will be looking forward to those, if you choose to share them.
"I truly doubt that any “intelligent” person who would mull this over for a few hours would have the slightest doubt about EZR's authenticity..."
We will have to agree to disagree on that one.
"and if they did they must either be ... and/or have no experience with real life people actually going through the experience EZR describes."
Ipcha mistabra.
"Moreover, even if one were to grant your premise, your conclusion wouldn't logically follow..."
If EZR is real, it seems quite likely that your words as written would cause him pain. That is onaas devarim.
"though I must say I'm shocked to believe you actually thought I was being cruel for cruelty's sake"
Chalilah, you were not doing it for cruelty's sake. You are clearly a very good-hearted person, as is apparent from your blog. You are simply convinced, to a nearly Cartesian level, that EZR is a fiction. I hope you are right and there is one less person in total life-wrecking misery.
rebeljew: "If any doubt the authorship of this blog, look at and do a find for EZR. For any unfamiliar, he is a talented spoofer."
Ben Chorin has some real winners, especially the pashkevil against the Rambam for suggesting pi was more than 3.
"The last line of a post, sometimes the very last line, tells the entire story."
Well, let's look at that: The posts here end "posted by Ben" and so do the ones on Ben Chorin. However, there is not a single post on Ben Chorin that whose post time was on Shabbos day. Any Saturday post is clearly Saturday night. However, the first post here states: "Saturday, July 09, 2005 ... posted by Ben @ 3:08 PM"
True, the comments post with a time that seems to reflect a West Coast time zone, but that would still be Shabbos throughout America.
It seems likely that EZR either began as a michalel Shabbos [which I am pretty sure Ben Chorin is not] or is posting from Europe or Eretz Yisrael. Ben Chorin seems to be in Eretz Yisrael, but the post timing function seems to be set up differently on his blog than here. Meaningful? I don't know.
You can change the time setting manually. Nonetheless, Ben is in Israel apparently, and the 3PM time would correspond to Motzi Shabbos there. Clever.
Benchorin has me ROTFL most of the time. But let's suppose that EZR is real for a moment. Why would he post under an assumed name, Ben, when his first act was to declare his name? And why the familiarity on Ben's blog? Perhaps EZR's English name is Ben?
"But let's suppose that EZR is real for a moment. Why would he post under an assumed name, Ben, when his first act was to declare his name?"
EZR seems to have already admitted that 'Eliyahu Zecharia Rabinovich' is a pseudonym in this exchange:
"Sandalfon said...
...Let us remember that you have not revealed your real name here. That much is clear from your statement that you have not yet discussed the matter with your wife. I am sure you are familiar with the principle of chavrecha chavra ees lei and thus it is fairly certain that you are blogging under a pseudonym.
Eliyahu Zecharia said...
Sandalfon, Everything you said is completely true."
If so, who is Ben? I don't know. The person whose web connection he borrows? A previous pseudonym he neglected to erase completely?
I do know that if you Google "posted by Ben" you will get 285,000 hits.
If Ben Chorin is behind Eliyahu Zecharia Rabinovich, as the writing style and other evidence suggests, it was quite brazen to post under the name Ben. It was a way of flaunting "I'm smarter than the readers of this blog". In the case of some of them, that was clearly true. Sandalfon is angry at DBH for mocking EZR, but shows no anger towards Ben Chorin for fooling her and making her cry. Tear. If Ben is really diabolical, perhaps Sandalfon is another fiction of his. As the style is different that would be most impressive.
Nothing diabolical about this blog, unless DBH wants to correct me on that. It is a "focus" type thing, where he factors out all the other baggage "stuff" that a real blogger would bring in, and focuses on the point, that the ban drives frum people away. It is similar to the blog by "Shtreimel", a Hasid and a Heretic, available, oddly enough, from BenChorin's limited blogroll.
I atually wrote about this a while back, how the Charedishe obsession with apologetics for the untenable leads Yidden away.
I'm one of those (I guess in the minority) who believes you're for real. I wonder how you're doing. Could you give us an update?
We all know you're much smarter than Sandalfon, but what's the point of leaving comments so cryptic that most people can't understand them? I have the same problem with your blog. Anyone smart enough to figure out what you're really saying could probably figure it out on their own. Spell things out or leave us alone. What's the point of teasing us?
The bloggers are all convinced EZR is a fake. I wonder if they have reasons they aren't sharing with us.
We may not believe your story, but we do find it interesting. Please continue. Also, please expose your Blogger profile on this blog like the other bloggers do and/or post an email address. I have ideas on how to make the story really cool, but it would look bad if I put them here.
Are you still there. What is going on?
So now what?
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